Both Spectrum & CenturyLink are well known Internet service providers. People often ask which one is the better option among them. Both of them have their own Pros & Cons. Overall they are both identical to each other in terms of service, prices or plans. However, there are few minor difference that might make your choose one high speed internet provider over others.
If you are looking for cheaper options then CenturyLink is where you should go. But if it is reliable speeds and services you want regardless of money. Then Spectrum should be your choice. Let’s go in detail and find out which one is the best high speed internet service provider.
Spectrum Internet Vs CenturyLink: Packages & Pricing
CenturyLink Internet Packages are below the mark of 100 Mbps, whereas Spectrum Internet has plans starting from 100 Mbps going all the way up to 400Mbps.
Despite having a difference in speed both the provider has their plans starting around $45-50 a month. Both of them have a gigabit plan that offers a download speed of 940Mbps. If you have been using the internet for a long time then you must be aware of the speed you need. Pick an internet plan that complements your needs.
Spectrum Internet Packages
Spectrum Internet providers may not tell you about this. But they raise their prices after the promotional period ends. You may see a hike in your bill of $20-25. The price that they advertise on is an introductory price. Once the period ends they are allowed to ask the real price.
Spectrum has faster speeds, reliable services and better customer satisfaction ratings. The slowest speed offered by Spectrum Internet is 100Mbps. It’s better to have an internet plan that delivers more speed than you ask for. Here’s a list of all the basic Spectrum Internet plans available.
Plan | Prices | Download Speed | Connection |
Spectrum Internet | $49.99/mo. | 100Mbps | Cable |
Spectrum Internet Ultra | $69.99/mo. | 400Mbps | Cable |
Spectrum Internet GIG | $104.99/mo. | 940Mbps | Cable |
CenturyLink Internet Packages
CenturyLink internet package fall below the speed of 100Mbps. The speed is far less than spectrum internet packages. But the prices for packages are almost the same. The starting price is $45-50 a month. CenturyLink also offers a gigabit plan. The maximum speed provided is 940Mbps. CenturyLink has made its name with its affordable plans.
Plan | Price | Download Speed | Connection |
CenturyLink Price for Life | $49.9/mo | 80 Mbps | DSL |
CenturyLink Price for Life | $49.9/mo | 40 Mbps | DSL |
CenturyLink Price for Life | $49.9/mo | 15 Mbps | DSL |
CenturyLink Price for Life | $49.9/mo | 100 Mbps | DSL |
CenturyLink Price for Life | $49.9/mo | 20 Mbps | DSL |
CenturyLink Fibre Internet | $65.00/mo | 940 Mbps | DSL |
Who Has The Better Gigabit Internet
Both Spectrum & CenturyLink have fiber plans that have 940Mbps. Although it is not exactly a gigabit plan (1000Mbps) it 60mbps short of that. Still, the plans are great! CenturyLink offers the plan under less price that is $60/mo. Where Spectrum Internet offers the same plan with $104.99/mo.
Spectrum Internet has better service and reliability. CenturyLink has a reputation for offering plans under cheap prices. It’s your choice whether you want a reliable High Speed Internet Plan or a plan that offers speed but not reliable.