Mbps vs MBps Difference: Step by Step Guide

mbps vs mbps internet speed

Understanding the difference between megabit vs megabyte per second and how they affect downloads and speeds is crucial. Understanding the internet as a whole is a tough process as there are so many technical jargons to learn. One of the toughest terms to understand is the Mbps vs MBps difference. They may look and sound the same but the capital “B” on the second term makes a lot of difference.

Mbps vs MBps Difference

The biggest difference between both these terms comes down to bits vs bytes. The first term “Mbps” stands for megabits per second, while the second term “MBps” stands for megabytes per second.

While both the terms are related to measurements, but they’re used differently. Megabits per second are more commonly used when talking about internet upload and download speeds. Megabit vs megabyte is one of the most debated topics among internet enthusiasts. 

Megabytes per second is typically referenced when talking about file size or the amount of data. In many cases, you may see MBps shortened to just MB, such as a 500 MB video. MB can also be used when talking about internet data caps or mobile data allowances. For instance, a cellphone plan may offer you 10,000 MB monthly data or 10 GB. 

To make the comparison of MBps vs Mbps internet speed, here’s a simple explanation. If you were to download a file from the web, the size of the file will be measured as MBps and the rate at which it is downloaded is known as Mbps.

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Quick Guide on Data Measurements

No need to get confused by all the terminology. Here are some of the most common data measurements that denote data amounts, smallest to largest:

  • Byte: 8 Bits
  • Kilobyte (kB): 1,024 Bytes
  • Megabyte (MB): 1,024 Kilobytes
  • Gigabyte (GB or Gig): 1,024 Megabytes
  • Terabyte (TB): 1,024 Gigabytes

How Do Mbps and MBps affect Online Activities?

MediaFile Size1 Mbps3 Mbps5 Mbps10 Mbps30 Mbps50 Mbps100 Mbps500 Mbps1 Gbps
Webpage1 MB8 seconds2 seconds1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second
MP3 song3 MB25 seconds8 seconds5 seconds2 seconds< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second< 1 second
10 Minutes SD video clip500 MB1 hour, 10 minutes23 minutes, 18 seconds14 minutes7 minutes2 minutes, 19 seconds1 minute, 23 seconds41 seconds8 seconds4 seconds
SD movie2 GB4 hours, 46 minutes1 hours, 25 minutes57 minutes, 15 second28 minutes9 minutes, 32 seconds5 minutes, 43 seconds2 minutes, 51 seconds34 seconds17 seconds
HD movie12 GB28 hours, 38 minutes9 hours, 32 minutes5 hours, 43 minutes2 hours, 52 minutes57 minutes, 15 seconds34 minutes, 21 seconds17 minutes, 10 seconds3 minutes, 2 seconds1 minute, 43 seconds

As mentioned above, both Mbps and MBps come into play when you’re downloading things from the internet. Everything from loading a webpage to downloading music & videos to streaming TV. 

The time it takes to download will vary based on the size of your file and how fast your download speed is. Other factors can download times as well, such as whether you are downloading using an Ethernet cable or WiFi, or whether you are connected to residential or business internet. This is how MBps vs Mbps internet speed affect your online activities. 

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But what if you have high Mbps, and you’re still experiencing slow internet? If you have an appropriate download speed, but there are still some trouble with online streaming, online gaming, or video calling then latency may be your problem.

How Long Does It Take To Download a Website, Music & Video?

Here’s an idea of how long it would take to download the following media types at various connection speeds:

Conclusion: Mbps vs MBps Difference

As you saw above, the larger the file size the longer the download time at slower speeds. This is why it’s important to take your online activities into consideration when choosing an internet speed. Here’s a speed test that can tell you how much speed you need. If you want actually high-speed internet for your home or business, you can contact ClubHDTV or call the toll-free number: +1(855) 352-5313.

About Lucas Byers

Lucas is a content writer with years of experience in the field and a technology enthusiast who specializes in internet technology and digitalization. He has experience in Information Technology and likes to share this experience through writing in the form of a story. His articles are mostly focused on new technologies, trends that can be found on the Internet, and the effects of the digital world on people.

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