TV Cable Splitters: Get TV In Every Corner of Your Home

cable splitters for internet and tv

Cable splitters are significant equipment that enables you to divide a single TV signal to various TVs via your home. You can experience your favourite shows in every corner without the requirement for extra subscriptions by attaching a splitter to your cable line. Such equipment arrives in multiple configurations, from easy two-way splitters to maximum complex models that can assist up to 16 connections. Knowing how to select and establish the perfect splitter can importantly improve your watching experience, assuring that you can handle robust signal quality across all equipment.

Pros and Cons of Coaxial Cable Splitters

Cheap pricesNo independent channel viewing
Easy to installChances of signal loss

Cable splitters are affordable but they aren’t an ideal solution for everyone out there. If you have a family that has different viewing habits, then you don’t need TV cable splitters. Usually, extra cable boxes for bedrooms cost you around $5 – $12 extra each month. If you need extra channels and different channels on different TVs then you should upgrade to a better plan.

How to Install a Cable Splitter?

Installing a cable splitter to set up TVs in multiple rooms is something only a cable installer can handle. It’s obvious that it would cost you extra, and they’ll suggest you buy or rent more cable boxes instead of installing TV cable splitters. 

Although if you know how to screw up a coaxial coupler sleeve and your TV viewing needs are simple, then you can install the cable splitter by yourself with ease.

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Best Cable Splitters

1. Extreme 2-Way HD Digital 1 GHz High-Performance Coax Cable Splitter

This is one of the best coaxial cable splitters on the market right now. Coaxial cable splitters take in a cable signal line and channel it out into multiple signals. The signals are usually a couple of TVs and a high-speed cable internet modem. Whether you’re using a plain 3 plug metal block or a multiple port device, almost all the TV cable splitters do the same thing, redistributing information and signal. 

2. Extreme 3-Way Unbalanced HD Digital 1 GHz High-Performance Coax Cable Splitter

This here is one of the cable splitters for internet and TV. If you want to watch TV in another room or in your bedroom, the signal will have to be copied. To achieve that signal, you need to attach a cable splitter between the output of your main cable box and the first TV. The next step includes you running one or more secondary lines to other TVs in your home. 

The downfall of the cable splitters is that the splitters will be used alongside the cable box. That means all the split TVs attached to the same network will be turned to the same channel. While the solution to watch TV using the cable splitters for the internet and TV isn’t efficient, it is cheap and a workable solution. 

3. PCT MA28PN RF Amplifier Passive Return CATV Amp 8-Ports

This cable splitter amplifier is a brilliant device that provides the feature of multiple connections. The device comes equipped with 8 ports that offer a +4dB boost for every single port. Which makes sure that you receive great signals through your every watching. 

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The cable splitter amplifier is ideal for use with Over Air Antennas or any other service providers that can prevent signal loss to various locations. This a multi-port cable splitters for internet and TV which amplifies the signal to a great extent. The great compatibility for all the cable services makes it one of the Best cable splitters for TV and internet. 

Things to Look Out for With Cable Splitters

You should know that if you’re running a secondary coax cable any more than 50 feet, you are sure to experience extreme signal loss. You should consider getting an amplified cable splitter/booster to cover the distance you need. 

Since cable internet modems require a fraction of TV signal, they don’t really work well alongside amplifiers and boosters. To get the ideal signal strength from a cable splitter, use a splitter only with the number of outputs required. 

Final Take – Don’t Burden Yourself With Boxes

If you don’t wish to spend extra monthly rent for additional cable boxes in your house, there are several ways to save money. The viewing options are limited, but you get what you pay for in these times. An inexpensive cable splitter is still less costly than a cable box. Using the right type of transmitters, you can save a lot of money.

About Lucas Byers

Lucas is a content writer with years of experience in the field and a technology enthusiast who specializes in internet technology and digitalization. He has experience in Information Technology and likes to share this experience through writing in the form of a story. His articles are mostly focused on new technologies, trends that can be found on the Internet, and the effects of the digital world on people.

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